Day 26 – Lenten Devotional
Jesus demonstrated what a Prayerful life looks like (Part 2)
John 17:20 “I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me through their message.”
It is hard read through the gospels and not be struck by how often Jesus prayed to His Father in heaven or taught others about true prayer. He was in communion with His Father in willing obedience. What can we learn from Jesus prayers? Who did Jesus pray for? What did Jesus pray for?
Who did Jesus pray for?
– His disciples: Luke 10:21; 24:50-53; John 17:1-29
– Himself: Matthew 26:39-44; 27:46; Mark 14:32-39; 15:34; Lk 22:40-46; Jn 17:1-5
– Those He healed: Mk 7:34
– Children: Lk 18:15
– All believers to come: Jn 17:20
– Forgiveness for those who crucified Him: Lk 23:34
What did He pray for?
– Jesus prayed for the way His Father was revealing Himself: Mt 11:25; Lk 10:21
– Before and after performing miracles: Mt 14:19; 15:36; Mk 6:41; 8:6-7; Lk 5:16; 9:16; Jn 6:11; 15; 11:41
– The blessing of food: Mt 14:19; 15:36; 26:26; Mk 6:41; 8:6-7; 14:22; Lk 9:16; 22:19; 24:30
– Peter’s faith: Lk 22:31-32
– Unity of the church: Jn 17:17
– Sanctification in the Truth: Jn 17:17
– Jesus prayed for relief from impending suffering, yet succumbed to His Father’s will: Mt 26:39-44; Mk 14:32-39; Lk 22:40-46
When Jesus prayed He demonstrated a heart position that relinquished Himself to the will of His Father. Jesus prayed for Himself as it related to obeying the Fathers mission of the plan of salvation. The glory He sought was that of glorifying His Father (John 17:1). His prayers interceded for children, those He healed, even His enemies in the spirit of love, joy, and hope. God the Son desires unity with His disciples and those who believe in Christ alone through faith alone all for the glory of God alone! Take some time and read the Good Shepherd’s beautiful prayer for His flock in John chapter 17 and pray a prayer of joy to the God who loves you with an everlasting love.
REFLECT: Do you trust God to give you the comfort and the will to proceed in the face of suffering? Can you survive what you are going through by coming closer to God in prayer? Are you thankful for the sustenance God gives you? Do you pray for others faith, your own, for the gospel truth to be spread? Can God still do miracles?
REPENT: Change your ways. Pray that you do not fall from the truth of God. Confess your hard heart set against those who have done you wrong and ask God to help you forgive. Repent from causing disunity in the church and unwittingly, or with full knowledge, leading people away from God because of your unrepentant behavior.
RESTORE: God will forgive and restore you. He lifts up the humble heart who reveres and loves Him, a heart that believes and trusts, a heart that desires His presence in prayer. May God the Holy Spirit guide you in your prayers.
Romans 8:26-27 “In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words; and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.”
Pastor Tom Bellhy